Deutschsprachige Literatur über den CARE-Index:
Nicole Letourneau, Penny Tryphonopouloss: Der CARE-Index. Ein Instrument zur Erfassung der Beziehungsqualität zwischen Bezugsperson und Kind ab Geburt.
In: Martin Stokowy, Nicola Sahhar (Hrsg.) Bindung und Gefahr. Das Dynamische Reifungsmodell der Bindung und Anpassung. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2012. S. 19-32
Anna Sidor: Dyadische Interaktionsdiagnostik.
In: Manfred Cierpka (Hrsg.). Frühe Kindheit 0-3. Beratung und Psychotherapie für Eltern mit Säuglingen und Kleinkindern. Heidelberg: Springer- Verlag, 2012, S.467-477
Internationale Studien die den CARE-Index nutzten:
Empirical Studies Using the CARE-Index CARE-Index Anlage
Risk Studies
Adolescent mothers
Pacquette, D., Bigras, M., Zoccolillo, M., Tremblay, R., Labelle, M-È, and Azar, R. (2001). Comparison de la sensibilité parentale entre des mères adolescentes et des mères adultes peu scolarisées. Revue de Psychoéducation et d’Orientation, 30, 283-298. See also Cassidy, et al., Leadbeater, et al. and Linares et al., below
Drug abusing mothers; drug exposed infants
Ciotti, F., Lambruschi, F., Pittino, B., & Crittenden, P. (1998). La valutazione della relazione precoce madre-bambino in una popolazione di madri con una storia di tossicodipendenza attraverso l’uso del CARE-Index. Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale, 4, 53-59. See also Linares et al.
Maternal psychiatric disorder
Ayissi, L., & Hubin-Gayte, M. (2006). Irritabilite du nouveau-ne et depression maternelle du post-partum. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence, 54(2),125-132.
Cassidy, B., Zoccolillo, M., & Hughes, S. (1996). Psychopathology in adolescent mothers and its effects on mother-infant-interactions: A pilot study. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 41, 379-384.
Hughes, S. (1993). The relationship between maternal psychiatric disorder and mother-child responsivity. Dissertation presented to the Faculty of McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Kemppinen, K., Kumpulainen, K., Moilanen, I., & Ebling, H. (2006). Recurrent and transient depressive symptoms around delivery and maternal sensitivity. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 60, 191-199.
Leadbeater, B. J., Bishop, S. J., & Raver, C. C. (1996). Quality of mother-toddler interaction, maternal depressive symptoms, and behavior problems of adolescent mothers. Developmental Psychology, 32, 280-288.
Leventhal, A., Jacobsen, T., & Miller, L. J., & Quintana, E. (2004). Caregiving attitudes and at-risk maternal behavior among mothers with major mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 55, 1431-1433.
Mullick, M., Miller, L. J., Jacobsen, T. (2001). Insight into Mental Illness and Child Maltreatment Risk in Mothers with Major Psychiatric Disorders. Psychiatric Services, 52, 488-492.
Ostler, T. ((2010). Assessing parenting risk within the context of severe and persistent mental illness: Validating an observational measure for families with child protective service involvement. Infant Mental Health Journal, 51, 467-485.
Handicapping condition
Crittenden, P. M. & Bonvillian, J.D. (1984). The effect of maternal risk status on maternal sensitivity to infant cues. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 54,250-262.
Hubin-Gayte, M., & Ayissi, L. (2005). Sensibilite et representations des meres de nouveau-nes irritable. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence, 53(1-2), 78-85.
Killen, K. (2006). Tidlig mor-barn-samspill i norske familier. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 7, 694-701.
Rauh, H., & Calvet-Kruppa, C. (2001). Bindungssicherheit und Verhaltensentwicklung bei Kindern mit Down-Syndrom. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht.
Maltreated infants
Crittenden, P.M. (1992a). Children’s strategies for coping with adverse home environments. International Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect, 16, 329-343.
Crittenden, P. M. (1988). Distorted patterns of relationship in maltreating families:The role of internal representational models. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 6, 183-199.
Crittenden, P. M. & DiLalla, D. L. (1988). Compulsive compliance: The development of an inhibitory coping strategy in infancy. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 16, 585-599.
Empirical Studies Using the CARE-Index
Crittenden, P. M. (1987). Non-organic failure-to-thrive: Deprivation or distortion? Infant Mental Health Journal, 8, 56-64.
Crittenden, P. M. (1985). Social networks, quality of child-rearing, and child development. Child Development, 56, 1299-1313.
Crittenden, P. M. (1984). Sibling interaction: Evidence of a generational effect in maltreating families. International Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect, 8, 433-438.
Crittenden, P. M. (1981). Abusing, neglecting, problematic, and adequate dyads: Differentiating by patterns of interaction. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 27, 1-18.
Jacobsen, T., & Miller, L. J. (1998). Compulsive compliance in a young maltreated child. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37, 462-463.
Leadbeater, B., & Bishop, S. J. (1994). Predictors of behavior problems in preschool children of inner city Afro-American and Puerto Rican mothers. Child Development, 65, 638-648.
Ward, M. J., Kessler, D. B., & Altman, S. C. (1993). Infant-mother attachment in children with failure to thrive. Infant Mental Health Journal, 14, 208-220.
Baldoni F., Facondini E., Romeo N., Minghetti M., Cena L., Landini A., & Crittenden P.M (2011). Attachment
forerunners, dyadic sensitivity and development of the child in families with a preterm born baby. 6th European AEPEA Congress on DMM publications, p. 7 Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence (Bologna 5-7 Maggio 2011), pp. 422-430.
Baldoni, F., Facondini, E., Minghetti, M., Romeo, N., Cena, L., Landini, A., & Crittenden, P.M. (2011). L’influenza dell’attaccamento e della sensibilità diadica genitoriale sullo sviluppo psicomotorio del bambino nato pretermine.
Abstracts XIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) (Catania 16-18 Settembre 2011), Express, Torino, p. 267.
Baldoni, F. (2010): “Attachment relationships and psychosomatic development of the child in families with a preterm baby. A study in DMM perspective.” 2nd Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Attachment (IASA) (St. John’s College, Cambridge, UK, August 29-31 2010), pp. 1-15.
Baldoni, F., Facondini, E., Minghetti, M. , Romeo, N., Landini, A., & Crittenden, P.M. (2009): Family attachment and psychosomatic development in preterm- born children. Panminerva Medica, 51 (suppl. 1 to N.3): 7.
Baldoni, F., Facondini, E., Romeo, N., Landini, A., & Crittenden, P.M. (2010): Precursori dell’attaccamento e adattamento di coppia nella famiglia con bambino nato pretermine: uno studio italiano. In Cena L., Imbasciati A.,
Baldoni F. (Eds.) (2010): La relazione genitore-bambino. Dalla psicoanalisi infantile alle nuove prospettive evoluzionistiche dell’attaccamento. Springer Verlag, Milano, pp. 194-200.
Baldoni, F., Facondini, E., Romeo, N., Minghetti, M., Cena, L., Landini, A., & Crittenden, P. (2011): Attachment forerunners, dyadic sensitivity and development of the child in families with a preterm born baby. 6th European AEPEA Congress on Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence (Bologna 5-7 Maggio 2011).
Fuertes, M., Faria, A., Soares, A. & Crittenden, P. (2009). Developmental and evolutionary assumptions in a study about the impact of premature birth and low-income on mother-infant interaction. Acta Ethologica, 12, 1-11.
Muller-Nix, C., Forcada-Guex, M., Pierrehumbert, B., Jaunin, L., Borghini, A., & Ansermet, F. (2004). Prematurity, maternal stress and mother-child interactions. Early Human Development, 79, 145-158.
Künster , A. K., Fegert, J. M., & Ziegenhain, U. (2010). Assessing parent-child interaction in the preschool years: A pilot
Empirical Studies Using the CARE-Index
Study on the psychometric properties of the Toddler CARE-Index. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 15, 379- 390.
Плешкова Н.Л., Мухамедрахимов Р.Ж. Особенности привязанности у детей в семьях и домах ребенка // Дефектология, 2008, No2, С. 37-44. DMM publications, p. 8
Pleshkova, N. L., & Muhamedrahimov, R. J. (2008). Attachment in family and orphanage Children , Defectology, 2, 37-44.
Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikforova, N. V., Groark , C. J. & McCall, R. B. (2004). Institution-based early intervention program. The Infant Mental Health Journal, 25, 488-501. Normative Studies
Normative Studies
Cantero, J. & Cerezo, J. (2001). Interaccion madre-hijo como predictora de conductas de apego: Evaluacion de dos modelos causales. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 24(1), 113-132.
Hautamäki, A. (2010). Attachment and sensitivity in a low-risk Finnish sample: The avoidant and unresponsive Finns? (pp.149-182). In P. Aunio, M. Jahnukainen, M. Kalland, & J. Silvonen (Eds.), Piaget is dead, Vygotsky is still alive, or? Honorary Book for professors Airi and Jarkko Hautamäki. Finnish Educational Research Association: Research in Educational Sciences 51.
Kemppinen, K., Kumpulainen, K., Moilanen, I., Raita-Hasu, J. & Ebling, H. (2006). Continuity of maternal sensitivity from infancy to toddler age. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 24, 199-212.
La Sala, G. B., Gallinelli, A., Fagandini, P., Benevolo, P., Landini, A., Ballabeni, A., Gasparini, F., Leni, M., Torricelli, L. (2004, in press). Developmental outcomes of children conceived by intracyctoplamic sperm injection at one and two years of age. International Journal of Fertility & Women’s Medicine.
Mosheim, R., Hotter, A., Steiner, H-J., Kemmler, G., Biebl, W., & Richter, R. (2001). Une étude pilote sur le congré parental de pères au Tyrol. Paternité et santé mentale J-F Saucier (Ed). 26, 118-135.
Patino, F. L. (1993). Mothers‘ prenatal attachment history, attachment status, and social support satisfaction as predictors of postnatal maternal sensitivity. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53 (7-B): 3787.
Paavola, L., Kemppinen, K., Kumpulainen, K., Moilanen, I., & Ebling, H. (2006). Characteristics of mother-infant communicative interaction: Relations to the rating of maternal sensitivity and infant cooperation. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4, 203-222.
Paavola, L., Kemppinen, K., Kumpulainen, K., Moilanen, I., & Ebling, H. (2006). Maternal sensitivity, infant cooperation and early linguistic development: Some predictive relations. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 3, 13-30.
Плешкова Н.Л. Качество отношений привязанности у детей раннего возраста // Психология привязанности и раннего вмешательства: Материалы международного научного семинара 3—4 июля 2006 г. / Под ред. С.Ф. Сироткина, М.Л. Мельниковой. — Ижевск: НИПЦ «ERGO», 2006. — С. 40—46.
Pleshkova, N. L. (2006). Quality of attachment in young children. In: Attachment and Early Intervention Psychology, July 3-4 International Research Seminar Materials/Ed. by Sirotkin S. F. & Melnikova M. L. – Ijevsk: NIPC “ERGO”, 2006. – P. 40-46 DMM publications, p. 9
Simó Teufel, Sandra, Rauh, Helgard und Ziegenhain, Ute. (2000). Mutter-Kind- Interaktion im Verlaufe der ersten 18 Lebensmonate und Bindungssicherheit am Ende des 2. Lebensjahres. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 47, 118- 141.
Simó-Teufel, S., D ́Ocon, A. y Pons-Salvador, G. (2002). Evaluación de la calidad del apego a los 15 meses de edad: análisis de la concordancia entre observadores Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento, AEMCCO, 12, 512-516. Simó-Teufel, S., D ́Ocon, A. y Dolz, L. (2002). Comparación entre los patrones interaccionales madre-hijo y la calidad del apego a los 15 meses de edad: Un análisis de validación. Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento, AEMCCO 12, 516-520.
Empirical Studies Using the CARE-Index
Predictive Longitudinal Studies
Forcada-Guex, Pierrehumbert, B., C., Borghini, A., Moessinger, A., M., Muller-Nix, (2006). Early dyadic pattern of mother-child interaction and outcomes of prematurity at 18 months. Pediatrics, 118, el07-ell4.
Howieson, N., Crittenden, P. M., & Priddis, L. (under review). Change and continuity: The impact of migration on transgenerational patterns of attachment Simó, S., Rauh, H., & Zeigenhain, U. (2000). Mutter-Kind-Interaktion im Verlaufe der ersten 18 Lebensmonate und Bindungssicherheit am Ende des 2. Lebensjahres. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 47, 118-141.
Ward, M.J., & Carlson E.A. (1995). The predictive validity of the Adult Attachment Interview for adolescent mothers. Child Development, 66, 69-79.
Crugnola, C. R., Albizzati, A., Caprin, C., Di Filippo, L., Sagliaschi, S. (2004). Modelli di attaccamento, stili di interazione e responsivita nello sviluppo della relazione tra madre e bambino: Elementi di adeguatezza e di rischio. Eta Evolutiva, 78, 66-76.
Intervention Studies
Barlow, J., Davis, H., & McIntosh, E. (2007). Role of home visiting in improving parenting and health in families at risk of abuse and neglect: Trial and economic evaluation results of a multicentre randomised controlled health in families at risk of abuse and neglect: Archives of Disturbed Children, 92, 229-233.
Bigras, M. & Pacquette, D. (2000). L’interdépendance entre les sous-systèstemes conjugal et parental: Une analyse personne-processus-contexte. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 16, 91-102.
Cramer, B., Robert-Tissot, C., Stern, D. N., & Serpa-Rusconi, S. (1990). Outcome evaluation in brief mother-infant psychotherapy: A preliminary report. Infant Mental Health Journal, 11, 278-300.
Crittenden, P. M. (1985). Maltreated infants: Vulnerability and resilience. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 26, 85-96 DMM publications, p. 10
Jennings, T. (2004). A study exploring whether maternal sensitivity can be enhanced by health visitor intervention (guided by clinical psychology consultation), using video feedback. Thesis presented to the faculty of clinical psychology at the University of Teesside in partial fulfilment of the doctorate in psychology.
Linares, L. O. (in press). The effects of an early intervention program on polydrug infants and their families in foster care. In J. Silver (Ed.), Serving the needs of young children involved in the child welfare system. New Jersey.
Linares, L.O., Jones, B., Sheiber, F.J. & Rosenberg, F.B. (1999). Early intervention for drug-exposed infants in foster care. In. J. Silver, B. J. Amster & Haecker (Eds.), Young Children and Foster Care (pp. 373-397). Baltimore: Brookes.
Pacquette, D., Zoccolillo, M., & Bigras, M.. (1999). L’efficacité des interventions en foyers de groupe pour mères en difficulté d’adaptation. Défi Jeunesse, VI, 30- 35.
Priddis, L., & Howieson, N. D. Insecure attachment patterns at five years. What do they tell us? Early Child Development and Care, 182, 45-58.
Robert-Tissot, C., Cramer, B., Stern, D., Serpa, S. et-al. (1996). Outcome evaluation in brief mother-infant psychotherapies: Report on 75 cases. Infant-Mental- Health-Journal, 17, 97-114.
Svanberg, P. O., & Jennings, T. (2002). The Sunderland Infant Program (U.K.): Reflections on the first year. The Signal, 9, 1-5.
Svanberg, P. O., Mennet, L., & Spieker, S. (2010). Promoting a secure attachment: A primary prevention practice model. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 15, 363-378. Also Svanberg, et al. (SSP)